Tony P Job Board

Our Tony P Community is chock full of incredible talent, valuable services and growth opportunities. If you’re looking for a resource take a peek at our job opportunities with our incredible partners. They have been vetted and trusted to deliver results.


About Lynn Hazan:

Our clients seek our counsel to source outstanding communications and marketing talent in a timely manner. These are corporations, agencies, startups, entrepreneurial companies, nonprofits and professional associations. We recruit nationwide, with a special emphasis on Chicago and the Midwest.

We use a proprietary methodology of interviews and skill assessment tools. We gain in-depth insights about our candidates and their fit for our job openings. We “dig deep” with our clients to determine their needs, competitive advantage for hiring and the best fit for talent.

KifCure Total Hemp Solutions

About KifCure:

Our innovative and eco-conscious approach encompasses the entire hemp supply chain, from seed to consumer products. Kifcure embraces a “Full-Spectrum” and “Whole Plant ” philosophy.  We are working hard to create reliable outlets for farmers to monetize their hemp crops and we’re establishing a stable supply chain to uplift farmers, brands, and consumers alike.

As specialists in cannabinoid extracts, industrial fiber, and hemp hurd, our product developers and infusion specialists can create and distribute our own product lines or collaborate with organizations to meet our clients’ unique requirements.  Reach out to learn how you can join us on this exciting journey!

Job Summary:

KifCure is looking for:



Tech Sales

Facility Team Managers

Inside Sales Rep

Really anyone in the market looking for a new job!

To Apply:

Please send your resume to or visit